A leader in the domestic
and international automatic door field
Since its establishment in March 1996, Hyundai Auto Door has continuously grown,
thanks to the warm support and trust of our customers. We are committed to ongoing development
of new products and delivering unparalleled customer satisfaction.
A leader in the domestic
and international
automatic door field
국내외 자동문을 선도하는 현대자동문은 1996년
3월 창사이래 고객님들의 따뜻한 사랑과 두터운
신뢰에 힘입어 날로 발전을 거듭해 왔습니다.
저희 현대자동문은 지속적인 신제품개발과
고객감동을 위해 최선의 노력을 다하고 있습니다.

Is there an issue with the product?
Diagnose it through a preliminary check and seek expert assistance.
(Please perform a preliminary check before submitting an AS request.)

Is there an issue with the product?
사전 점검을 통해 제품을 진단 하고
전문가의 도움을 요청하세요.
(Please perform a preliminary check before submitting an AS request.)