About us

Automatic Doors Improve Your Life

Industry-leading quality assurance and technology innovation

업계 최고의 품질 보증과 기술 혁신

About us

Automatic Doors Improve Your Life

Industry-leading quality assurance
and technology innovation

업계 최고의 품질 보증과 기술 혁신



현대자동문 홈페이지 방문을 진심으로 감사 드립니다.
건강함과 행복을 여는 현대자동문입니다.

Since its establishment in March 1996, Hyundai Auto Door has been a leader in the domestic and international automatic door market, continuously advancing thanks to the warm support and strong trust of our customers. Despite the challenges posed by rapid changes in the market environment, we remain dedicated to developing new products and delivering exceptional customer satisfaction. Listening attentively to valuable feedback and experiences from the field, we proudly launched Korea’s first triple sliding and manual middle doors without a bottom rail in August 2016, which received enthusiastic responses and excellent results from both customers and partner companies.

In November 2017, we participated in the Fenestration BAU China Exhibition in Shanghai, China, where we attracted significant attention from local visitors and companies, achieving success in establishing new international partnerships. In 2018, we introduced new products such as the "Compact Box, Tall Door, Slim 150," including standard automatic doors, wall-mounted automatic doors, one-sided sliding automatic doors, and the "Imagination Realizing Asymmetric Automatic Door," which brings innovation to life. Lastly, we extend our deep gratitude for the continued interest and passionate support from our customers and partners. We will continue striving toward Hyundai Auto Door’s " second leap forward."



현대자동문 홈페이지 방문을 진심으로 감사 드립니다.
건강함과 행복을 여는 현대자동문입니다.

국내외 자동문을 선도하는 현대자동문은 1996년 3월창사이래 고객님들의 따뜻한 사랑과 두터운 신뢰에 힘입어 날로 발전을 거듭해 왔습니다. 아울러 시장환경의 급격한 변화에 많은 어려움이 있음에도 저희 현대자동문은 지속적인 신제품개발과 고객감동을 위해 최선의 노력을 다하고 있습니다. 그간 일선 현장의 다양한 경험과 지도편달의 쓴 목소리를 깊이 경청하여 2016년 8월 하부레일(문턱)이 없는 3연동자동, 수동중문을 국내 최초로 출시하여 고객님과 협력업체의 열렬한 호응을 받아 좋은 성과를 거두고 있습니다.

2017년 11월 중국 상해 국제창호전시회(Fenestration BAU China)에 참가 전시하여 현지 참관객과 업체로부터 높은 관심을 받았으며, 해외 파트너사 발굴의 성과를 거두었습니다.
2018년에도 “박스는 작게 도어는 높게 슬림한 150, 일반자동문,벽부형자동문,원슬라이딩자동문”과 “상상을 실현하는 짝짝이자동문”을 새롭게 출시하게 되었습니다.
끝으로 고객님과 협력업체의 높은 관심고 뜨거운 성원에 깊이 감사드리며
현대자동문 “제2의 도약”을 위해 더욱더 노력을 다하겠습니다.




01 Sponsored automatic doors for SBS drama "Dr. Romantic 2"
01 Launched PVC insulated stainless automatic door (Heat transfer coefficient 1.195)


Launched double sliding 250 box 01
Requested testing for PVC insulated stainless automatic door 09


01 Launched 125 one-sided sliding slim door
09 Launched ultra-slim 20-bar triple sliding middle door


Launched new 2019 panel automatic door 01
Launched new 2019 automatic window machinery 01
Launched new 2019 smart veranda automatic door 01
Sponsored automatic doors for tvN drama "Touch Your Heart" 02
ponsored automatic doors for tvN drama "Pegasus Mart" 09
Requested testing for insulated aluminum automatic door 09


01 Launched Hyundai Auto Door 150 automatic door
01 Launched Hyundai Auto Door one-sided sliding automatic door (wall-mounted automatic door)
03 Sponsored automatic doors for OCN drama "Children of a Lesser God"
11 Sponsored triple sliding middle door for “Clean with Passion for Now”


Launched Hyundai Auto Door 150 automatic door 01
Launched Hyundai AutoDoor one-sided sliding automatic door (wall-mounted automatic door)  01
Sponsored automatic doors for OCN drama "Children of a Lesser God" 03
Sponsored triple sliding middle door for “Clean with Passion for Now” 11


02 Broadcasted radio commercials
02 Sponsored aluminum automatic doors for JTBC drama "Strong Woman Do Bong Soon"
05 Filed a patent for a triple sliding lower linkage device (Multi-sliding door, Patent No. 10-1735455)
05 Obtained KC certification for controllers
06 Website renewal
08 Sponsored aluminum automatic doors for tvN drama "Live Up to Your Name"
10 Sponsored aluminum automatic doors for KBS drama "Mad Dog"
10 tvN드라마 "이번생은 처음이라" 3연동자동중문 협찬
11 Participated in Fenestration BAU China Exhibition in Shanghai, China
12 Sponsored semi-automatic doors for tvN drama "The Most Beautiful Goodbye"


Filed a patent for a triple sliding automatic door 01
Filed a patent for an unbalanced automatic door 04
Established an in-house research center 06
Filed a patent for a dual sliding drive device  10
Registered a construction license for metal windows 11



01 Featured on Seoul Economic TV’s "Ahn Hye-kyung’s Life Today"


Launched a new version of the triple sliding middle door 01
Launched the triple sliding automatic door 04
Launched the unbalanced automatic door 06


01 Established a branch in China
01 Passed the 500,000 cycle open/close test for semi-automatic doors
01 Passed the 1.5 million cycle open/close test for automatic doors
01 Launched a new version of the dual sliding door
05 Requested a 2 million cycle open/close test from the Korea Conformity Laboratories


Relocated to a new headquarters in Hanam 01
Began in-house production of sensors, safety sensors, and touch sensors 01
Launched Korea's first triple sliding automatic door 05


01 Launched HD-4000 automatic door
06 Certified as a venture company


Launched the pneumatic decelerator "Smooth Door" with no-voltage operation 07
Began in-house production of sensors, safety sensors, and touch sensors 01
Launched Korea's first triple sliding automatic door 05


03 Launched Hyundai Auto Door industrial automatic machines
04 Acquired certification for quality management(ISO 9001:2000)
05 Launched Hyundai Auto Door wall-mounted automatic machines
07 Launched Hyundai Auto Door circular automatic machines
07 Acquired Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance liability coverage
10 Obtained utility model rights for automatic door locking mechanisms
10 Passed the 1 million cycle open/close test (Quality Institute)
11 Launched dual sliding automatic machines


Converted to Hyundai Auto Door Co., Ltd. 03
Requested a 1 million cycle open/close test (Quality Institute) 06
Launched Hyundai Auto Door general automatic machines 06
Obtained utility model rights for guide rail support structures 07
Launched Hyundai Auto Door dual sliding doors 08
Obtained utility model rights for human cover support structures 08
Acquired partial Q-mark certification for automatic doors 09
Launched the Hyundai Auto Door breakout automatic machine 10


11 Hyundai Automatic Door established


Developed Hyundai Auto Door 08


03 Established Hyundai Reinforced Doors




01 Sponsored automatic doors for SBS drama "Dr. Romantic 2"
01 Launched PVC insulated stainless automatic door (Heat transfer coefficient 1.195)


Launched double sliding 250 box 01
Requested testing for PVC insulated stainless automatic door 09


01 Launched 125 one-sided sliding slim door
09 Launched ultra-slim 20-bar triple sliding middle door


Launched new 2019 panel automatic door 01
Launched new 2019 automatic window machinery 01
Launched new 2019 smart veranda automatic door 01
Sponsored automatic doors for tvN drama "Touch Your Heart" 02
tvN드라마 ‘쌉니다 천리마마트’ 자동문 협찬 09
Requested testing for insulated aluminum automatic door 09


01 Launched Hyundai Auto Door 150 automatic door
01 Launched Hyundai Auto Door one-sided sliding automatic door (wall-mounted automatic door)
03 Sponsored automatic doors for OCN drama "Children of a Lesser God"
11 Sponsored triple sliding middle door for “Clean with Passion for Now”


Launched Hyundai Auto Door 150 automatic door 01
Launched Hyundai AutoDoor one-sided sliding automatic door (wall-mounted automatic door)  01
Sponsored automatic doors for OCN drama "Children of a Lesser God" 03
Sponsored triple sliding middle door for “Clean with Passion for Now” 11


02 Broadcasted radio commercials
02 Sponsored aluminum automatic doors for JTBC drama "Strong Woman Do Bong Soon"
05 Filed a patent for a triple sliding lower linkage device (Multi-sliding door, Patent No. 10-1735455)
05 Obtained KC certification for controllers
06 Website renewal
08 Sponsored aluminum automatic doors for tvN drama "Live Up to Your Name"
10 Sponsored aluminum automatic doors for KBS drama "Mad Dog"
10 tvN드라마 "이번생은 처음이라" 3연동자동중문 협찬
11 Participated in Fenestration BAU China Exhibition in Shanghai, China
12 Sponsored semi-automatic doors for tvN drama "The Most Beautiful Goodbye"


Filed a patent for a triple sliding automatic door 01
Filed a patent for an unbalanced automatic door 04
Established an in-house research center 06
Filed a patent for a dual sliding drive device  10
Registered a construction license for metal windows 11


01 Featured on Seoul Economic TV’s "Ahn Hye-kyung’s Life Today"


Launched a new version of the triple sliding middle door 01
Launched the triple sliding automatic door 04
Launched the unbalanced automatic door 06


01 Established a branch in China
01 Passed the 500,000 cycle open/close test for semi-automatic doors
01 Passed the 1.5 million cycle open/close test for automatic doors
01 Launched a new version of the dual sliding door
05 Requested a 2 million cycle open/close test from the Korea Conformity Laboratories


Relocated to a new headquarters in Hanam 01
Began in-house production of sensors, safety sensors, and touch sensors 01
Launched Korea's first triple sliding automatic door 05


01 Launched HD-4000 automatic door
06 Certified as a venture company


Launched the pneumatic decelerator "Smooth Door" with no-voltage operation 07
Began in-house production of sensors, safety sensors, and touch sensors 01
Launched Korea's first triple sliding automatic door 05


03 Launched Hyundai Auto Door industrial automatic machines
04 Acquired certification for quality management(ISO 9001:2000)
05 Launched Hyundai Auto Door wall-mounted automatic machines
07 Launched Hyundai Auto Door circular automatic machines
07 Acquired Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance liability coverage
10 Obtained utility model rights for automatic door locking mechanisms
10 Passed the 1 million cycle open/close test (Quality Institute)
11 Launched dual sliding automatic machines


Converted to Hyundai Auto Door Co., Ltd. 03
Requested a 1 million cycle open/close test (Quality Institute) 06
Launched Hyundai Auto Door general automatic machines 06
Obtained utility model rights for guide rail support structures 07
Launched Hyundai Auto Door dual sliding doors 08
Obtained utility model rights for human cover support structures 08
Acquired partial Q-mark certification for automatic doors 09
Launched the Hyundai Auto Door breakout automatic machine 10


11 Hyundai Automatic Door established


Developed Hyundai Auto Door 08


03 Established Hyundai Reinforced Doors







